Environment & Social Responsibility

Environment & Social Responsibility
We accept responsibility!
We value responsible interaction with our employees, business partners and with society. Internally, we train our own junior staff. We want to contribute to society and the environment by promoting science and education, because our society thrives on working together and for each other. To show our gratitude for their special commitment, we proudly support the following associations:
- Tierheim Lübbecke
- Förderverein Freiwillige Feuerwehr Diepenau
- Ludwig-Steil-Hof
- Hexenhaus - Espelkamp
- Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V.
- Citylauf - ATSV Espelkamp
- Stiftung Lebenshilfe Lübbecke
- Dorfgemeinschaft Isenstedt
- Ev. Martins-Kirchengemeinde Espelkamp
- Ärzte ohne Grenzen
- SOS Kinderdörfer
- Aktion Deutschland Hilft
- Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft
- Stiftung Die Gute Hand
- SV Fahlenbach e.V.
- Filmfestival Spitziale e.V.
- Zoo Osnabrück
- Lions Club Lübbecke-Espelkamp
- Mehrgenerationen-Bewegungsparcours der Stadt Espelkamp
- Basket's 96, Rahden
- Blindenwerkstätte Dorsten GmbH
- Verein für Blindenwohlfahrt Neukloster e.V.
- Lübbecker Werkstätten gGmbH
- Martinsschule Espelkamp
- Kindergarten Arche
- Stiftverband für die dt. Wissenschaft
- Private Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik (FHWT)
- Deefholt Dynamics - Formula Student Germany
- Familien Mobil, Sicherheit fährt mit
- Fußball Arena Espelkamp
The preservation of the environment and the safety and the health of our employees are fundamental to our company philosophy. Achieving these goals represents a special kind of generational contract. With this occupational safety and environmental protection policy, we want to sustainably meet these goals. This will be underlined by our successful participation in the EcoVadis certification. This international assessment platform evaluates the four overarching categories of environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. After participating for the first time, we were awarded bronze and are thus well above the average. In addition, there is already a photovoltaic system at the Espelkamp site. The remaining electricity relates to green power. Charging stations for e-mobility were installed in the summer of 2021. Company cars will also be changed over to electrification.